Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Book

My new book, Mormonism and the Bible, is off to the publisher! This work has been two years in the preparation and I'm delighted it is done. I have covered approximately 100 major Mormon doctrines and cited from more than 100 different sources. This is a reference book and it would be especially useful to pastors and anyone who wishes to witness to Mormons. I recommend it for Christian school libraries and church libraries. It should come off the press in approximately 60 days.

1 comment:

  1. I got a telephone call from you about your new book release. Congratulations. Ironically, I am in in Salt Lake City directing a missionary booth at the Utah State Fair for evangelizing Mormons and others. At one time in Utah's history, the Presbyterians were the most successful evangelical force in the state, with missionaries throughout the state. Liberalism changed all of that. I pray that your book will become a valuable resource for instructing and evangelizing.
    Kurt Van Gorden
    Utah Gospel Mission--since 1898
