Our discussion of
Mormonism continues. Does the shed blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us from all sin or only from certain types of
sins? Are there sins so dark that they are beyond the cleansing power of Christ’s
atoning blood? John wrote, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have
fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from
all sin. (I Jn. 1:7)” This is a bedrock and foundational
article of faith in the Christian religion. There is no stain of sin so dark
that God cannot or will not purge it from our hearts upon the application of
Christ’s precious atoning blood through faith in Him.
Is this what our Mormon friends teach? No! It is not! “Some sins are so grievous
(such as murder and apostasy) that Christ’s blood is of no avail and the
offender must atone by the shedding of his own blood” (Hoekma,
(1972). The four major cults.). Think
of the implications of this teaching. The blood of an apostate or a murderer is
a more acceptable atoning sacrifice to God than is the sacred blood of His own
Son according to Mormon orthodoxy. This tragically warped view has undoubtedly
led to the eternal ruin of many souls. As believers in Christ we should have a
missionary zeal to reach the lost Mormons among us.
and many other Mormon doctrines are examined and compared to scripture in my
book, Mormonism and the Bible.
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