From the time of the Reformation the
Christian church has recognized the three solas of salvation: grace alone (Sola gratia) through faith alone (Sola fide) in Christ alone (Solus Christus. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. It is grace—the free gift
of God. It is freely given to us by God through faith which is also a work of
God through the Holy Spirit, not a faith which is of human origin. And that
faith is placed in Christ and his redemptive work alone. He paid the full price
for our sins and nothing we must or indeed can do to contribute to our
salvation. All trust in human efforts is futile. That trust in Christ is an on
going work of the Holy Spirit throughout our lives. We continue trusting in
Christ daily for our salvation and at no point in our Christian walk does
salvation become the result of anything we can do.
What do our lost friends in the Mormon Church believe?
(1) They believe that no one can be saved without the intervention of a
Mormon priest. The individual sinner can not draw near to God except through
the church priest.
. ." for nothing will save a man but a legal (Mormon) administrator, for
none other will be acknowledged by God or angels." (Smith, J. F. (1976).
Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith) Christians have faith that the
Great High Priest of our profession is Christ.
(2) They
are taught that coming to God for salvation is a matter of the intellect, not
the heart or will. "A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge,
for if he does not get knowledge he will be brought into captivity by some evil
power in the other world, as evil spirits have more knowledge and consequently
more power." (Smith, J. F. (1976). Teachings of the prophet Joseph
Smith) Christians
rightly believe that we come to Christ through faith, not through intellect.
(3) They
are taught that God intervenes in salvation only after our best efforts have
been exhausted. "It is by grace that we are saved, after all we can
do.” (II Nephi. 25:23) Christians rightly understand that there is nothing
we can do to earn salvation.
Finally, and worst of all, they believe that forgiveness of sins is only
conditional. If sin occurs again in the life of the Mormon believer, the
previous forgiveness of sins is canceled and the sinner is again guilty of sins
that had been forgiven. "Remission of sins can be lost through
recurrent transgression, for ‘unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins
return, saith the Lord your God’” (Doctrine &Covenants 82:7). The Word
of God teaches us that our forgiven sins are buried eternally in the sea of God’s
forgetfulness (Micah 7:19).
What a
bleak, hopeless, and impossible outlook faces the Mormon believer. By
contrast what a glorious hope is the Christian believer's! Another reason to
reach out to the lost Mormons among us and to win them to our gracious Lord and
This and many more Mormon doctrines are examined in my soon to be released book Mormonism and the Bible.
This and many more Mormon doctrines are examined in my soon to be released book Mormonism and the Bible.
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